
Showing posts from May, 2015


Finals. Need I say more? Finals are, quite frankly, the scariest time of the year. Probably scarier than Halloween. (Is Halloween even scary?) It's the time of year that decides your grade for the year. The final decision that could make it or break it for your college chances. Well okay, Maybe I'm overreacting. But STILL! It's a scary time! When you think you have an A+ in one class, but your teacher decides to grade an assignment from months ago, and it lowers your grade quite considerably. Or when you are studying your heart out and you can't find any time to do anything else. Finals is the time that you are cut off from the outside world, the time that you don't talk to any of your friends because you're too busy studying. It's some pretty tough stuff. But the best part about finals is that summer is RIGHT AFTERWARDS! It reconnects you to your social life, and it's a huge relief, at least for me. But Finals are hard. Unless you're