
Showing posts from October, 2015

Life Is What We Make It

So this week I was challenged to think about my life as a whole, and evaluate what can be beneficial and meaningful in my life as I progress through the many steps of eternity. This has gotten me thinking, What do I find meaningful in my life? What is it that keeps me going? That pushes me far off the edge and beyond? What motivation do I have for myself? Let's break it down, shall we? My life is full of failures, but it's also full of successes. One, for instance, is my family. Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking. How in the world is that a success, Hannah? And that is a good question. How IS it? For a minute, I want you to step out of your own shoes, and whether you know me really well or not, slip into mine. Imagine the normal family trials: bickering, disagreements, nasty words. Now imagine a dream family: Laughter, shoving (but in a playful manner), games, support systems, everything. My family is like both of those. We have our fights, sure, but mos

Dare To Let Go

Cellular Devices and Social Media. Why do these two programs/objects consume so much of our time? Why do we let them? What's the point? I've mentioned in past posts about how important it is to recognize the beauty of the world outside of our devices. And I also know you probably don't believe me, but it's true. The thing with devices is this: When we are so involved in our texts, instagram and facebook posts we are  making it impossible to fully embrace the beauty of the world. We let the amount of "likes" and "followers" dictate what we do with our time. But the thing is when we put down our phones we can experience the beauty, not just see it. Life shouldn't revolve around our devices. Granted, they have helped us evolve in our sciences and medical department, but that's beside the point of this article. Anyways, back to the subject. I'm going to share an experience with you guys. This summer I had the wonderful opportunity to