Dare To Let Go

Cellular Devices and Social Media.

Why do these two programs/objects consume so much of our time? Why do we let them? What's the point? I've mentioned in past posts about how important it is to recognize the beauty of the world outside of our devices. And I also know you probably don't believe me, but it's true.

The thing with devices is this: When we are so involved in our texts, instagram and facebook posts we are  making it impossible to fully embrace the beauty of the world. We let the amount of "likes" and "followers" dictate what we do with our time.

But the thing is when we put down our phones we can experience the beauty, not just see it. Life shouldn't revolve around our devices. Granted, they have helped us evolve in our sciences and medical department, but that's beside the point of this article. Anyways, back to the subject.

I'm going to share an experience with you guys. This summer I had the wonderful opportunity to visit 7 countries in Europe for a choir/band trip. It was incredible and I learned so much from it all. But the thing is, I had to leave my phone back in the States. The only thing I had during those three weeks was my iPod, and very rarely did we have WiFi to use.

And let me tell you: It was AMAZING. During those three weeks I felt more connected with nature, my new found friends, and myself. I didn't have any distractions or any contact home. I was able to really experience the beauty and excitement of the world around me. The best part was that my friends did the same! We all connected on a deeper level because we didn't have anyone to text, or any games to play on the phones when we were bored.

The greatest part was that we interacted more, we created our own games to play on the 7 hour bus rides, we laughed at the stupidest things, and we never worried about what someone else was posting on the media. It was the best three weeks of my life.

So my advice to you is this: Every so often put your phones down. Get off social media. Look around you. Look for things to do, and don't resort to texting someone when you're bored. Read a book. Go outside and hike. ANYTHING. Because I guarantee you will create more memories doing something productive than sitting on the computer all day.

I hope you take the challenge. And if you decide to, come tell me. I would love to hear about the amazing experience you had.


  1. The irony about smart phones is the phone does all of the smart stuff and they are not really making us smarter people. I think we should all take time to make real life connections instead of blocking people out with our smart phones. life is not all in a screen and people need to know and it is a good reminder. Thank you for sharing this. people need to hear this.

    1. I'm so glad you agree, Justin! I agree, I feel like more people need to hear this more often.

  2. Watch this link, it is amazing and talks about just this!

    1. I love this video so much!! Thank you tons for sharing this, it's so beautiful.

  3. I was just thinking about this principle. We are about to go to Colorado for Thanksgiving to be with Will's family. I made a goal to focus on being together, having real fun like you talked about and strengthening relationships rather than giving my attention elsewhere.


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