
Showing posts from February, 2016

Policemen: Heros or Villains?

Over the past year we have heard case after case of how the police are mistreating people according to race or even just to do it. But are they all true? Not every policeman is an awful corrupt person like the media has made them out to be. Are policemen the heroes or the villains? We know that doing the right thing can be hard, especially when everyone is already against you. Police have had it pretty hard lately, and more and more often we are not being being honest with ourselves. We are blaming them for things that they had to do. We are being unkind to them for something they had to do. Often times the media only states the negative things that happen in the world,  and neglect the telling of good news. We don't get to hear the good things that cops do for us enough. Police are good people who make hard decisions and we don't give them enough credit for it. To me, the police force is the heroes of today's world. They are what keeps us, the people, in order. They

The Untold Story

A short twist on a very well known story. Enjoy! April 22, 1959 "Auntie Merryweather!" I yelled from my upstairs bedroom. "I need help with my sewing." As I waited for a response I began to think about my family again. I often do that, you know, think about my family, and why they decided to abandon me at such a young age. I mean what kind of parents give a child to their sisters, knowing they were more than capable of taking care of me? Seriously. "I just don't understand the..." And yada yada yada. You don't need to know these details of today. The point is my aunts are crazy plump old ladies that only know how to sew with the swish of their wands, they never married and for some weird reason, still live together. And not to mention they are a bit psycho about me wandering around in the forest. Other than my aunts being crazy, that's all that happened today. April 25, 1959 Today I had decided to take a stroll in the meadows to get a