The Untold Story

A short twist on a very well known story. Enjoy!

April 22, 1959

"Auntie Merryweather!" I yelled from my upstairs bedroom. "I need help with my sewing." As I waited for a response I began to think about my family again. I often do that, you know, think about my family, and why they decided to abandon me at such a young age. I mean what kind of parents give a child to their sisters, knowing they were more than capable of taking care of me? Seriously.

"I just don't understand the..." And yada yada yada. You don't need to know these details of today. The point is my aunts are crazy plump old ladies that only know how to sew with the swish of their wands, they never married and for some weird reason, still live together. And not to mention they are a bit psycho about me wandering around in the forest. Other than my aunts being crazy, that's all that happened today.

April 25, 1959

Today I had decided to take a stroll in the meadows to get away from my psycho family who believed they were fairies. As I was singing a random melody I began to notice birds had begun to follow me around, landing on nearby tree branches and the dirt. This wasn't an abnormal thing though, it always has been like that for some reason. I continued to sing as I entered the edge of the forest, watching as little squirrels and little animals started to dance around me, which only encouraged me to dance. I was never taught how to dance with a partner, but I began to guess how it would look. I twirled, and circled around animals, and overall enjoyed myself. Now if you think that is weird wait until you hear this part! While I was dancing around with the animals some random guy pops out of nowhere and starts dancing with me! I mean, who does he think he is? And even worse he started to sing with me!! He didn't even have a great voice.

So I reacted like any other teenager. I pushed him away and ran. But let's be serious for a moment, who finds a girl dancing in the woods and finds themselves wanting to dance with her? That just sounds weird to me.

May 1, 1959

It's my birthday today. I'm sixteen, finally! I feel so much more mature now. My aunts have been fretting all day though, something about "the curse". They keep hovering over me like a wounded animal, it's stranger than normal. I... I am getting pretty sleepy though... Maybe I'll go take a nap.

May 2nd, 1959

I don't remember a lot of what happened last night... It all kind of blurred together. Bits and pieces are all that I can recall. I remember walking in the meadows, and then I remember appearing in this cold stone walled room with a sewing spindle in the middle of it. I remember feeling drawn to it, then the blood on my finger. Everything after that is blank. The weirdest part is the fact that I woke up in a strange bedroom, dressed to the perfect point, with the same stranger from the woods leaning over me! Let's be honest, I almost slapped him. He looked as startled as I was when I woke up before he kissed me. To recover from this "misunderstanding" (or so he stated) he quickly told me that he knew who my family was and was simply trying to wake me up so that he may take me to them. It still seemed a bit creepy that he chose this particular method to awaken me, now that I think back on it. But in the moment I was too overjoyed with the thought of being reunited with my family that I let it slip.

I've since gained a weird yet flattering nickname from my family. Sleeping Beauty. Strange, huh? And it turns out I'M A PRINCESS! How cool is that?

Oh, and I forgot to mention, the stranger in the woods is actually a PRINCE! Prince Phillip, to be exact. And now that I really look at him I can't get over the fact that he's a lot more attractive than I originally thought him to be. Though still a little weird....


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