
Showing posts from July, 2016

Suicide: Is It REALLY the Answer?

Depression: Feelings of severe despondency and dejection. That term alone means almost nothing to you until you're the one experiencing it. Depression. That is the dictionary definition of the term, but what does it really mean? What does it feel like? "350 million people of all ages suffer from depression." "At its worst, depression can lead to suicide." (World Health Organization, April 2016, Depression is not just a term used for sad people. It is not a term to be romanticized. Depression isn't only wishing for the boy you've been crushing on for years to love you back. It's not that simple. Depression is a real disorder, and it's much more serious than you could ever imagine. I know this because I have experienced it. And I have felt the affects it has on my life, and the lives around me. I am a survivor of depression, and suicide. My Story: These past four years I have not been

The Bucket List Challenge

The Bucket List Challenge. Need I say more? Today I've decided to publicize my bucket list. It may grow throughout the years, so bear with me. Now the challenge is this, not only will I publicize it, I will also share my experience with said goal as soon as I accomplish it. BUT I need your guys help as well. If you have already accomplished this activity, please share your experience in the comments. Whether it's good or bad. I'd LOVE to hear what you have done yourself, and how you viewed it. Also, Please share your bucket list as well. I LOVE new ideas on what to do with my life.  Here goes it: Hannah's Bucket List: -Attend a Masquerade party -Go to a Broadway show -Sleep on a mattress you pull out from the wall -Go Skydiving -Star in a play, whether big or small -Live in Ireland for a week -Meet someone Famous -Live in Greece -Have a guy use a pickup line on me -Go on an LDS mission -Write a book -Visit an abandoned hospital -Go through a