
Showing posts from April, 2015

Life Without You

This is for family, friends, and boyfriend/girlfriends alike. Life without you is like trying to breathe underwater without an air tank. Impossible. Without you my life is bland. It has no meaning to it, it seems endless. Without meaning.  My mind yearns to hear your voice again, to feel your arms around me in a comforting hug. You make my life has no reason to continue without you. You make life crazy, fun, and adventurous. Your smile can light up my day, and your comments spice up my thoughts. You're my life support. You can make me happier than anyone in my life, and I miss that. Each conversation we have makes my life brighter, hearing your voice and your laugh makes it all the better. Your absence is like a missing piece of a puzzle, as much as you try to fill it with another, it never fits just right. I hate how much I miss you. It makes me miserable. But knowing that I can see you again makes me smile brighter than the sun in the hottest day of the sum

The Friend Zone

Disclaimer: This is a mixture of different people's opinions, so this is pretty true stuff! The Friend Zone. Have you ever been in it? Or were you the one that issued it? Either way, it can be painful. First let's start with being in the zone. You know you have feelings for this person, but you can't get through to him/her. That hopeless feeling you get just thinking about them. Wistfully daydreaming and wishing it was you that they were thinking about every second of the day. I'll give you an example. When I was younger I had a best friend that I had a huge crush on. But atlas, it wasn't meant to be. I thought about him all the time, and wished I could be the girl he talked about so often. The way his eyes would light up whenever she walked into the room, or how his smile would become ever brighter when she cracked a joke. I yearned to be her, and I felt hopeless. In the words of a close friend of mine,  "it feels like that person just said, "yo