The Friend Zone

Disclaimer: This is a mixture of different people's opinions, so this is pretty true stuff!

The Friend Zone.

Have you ever been in it? Or were you the one that issued it? Either way, it can be painful.

First let's start with being in the zone. You know you have feelings for this person, but you can't get through to him/her. That hopeless feeling you get just thinking about them. Wistfully daydreaming and wishing it was you that they were thinking about every second of the day.

I'll give you an example. When I was younger I had a best friend that I had a huge crush on. But atlas, it wasn't meant to be. I thought about him all the time, and wished I could be the girl he talked about so often. The way his eyes would light up whenever she walked into the room, or how his smile would become ever brighter when she cracked a joke. I yearned to be her, and I felt hopeless.

In the words of a close friend of mine,  "it feels like that person just said, "you're not good enough for me."" You feel like you aren't worth anything. It's an awful way to feel.

A lot of times though, I have made myself better because of it. I have picked myself up and I created a better me. I learned from it. 

But it's not much better to  be the one to friend zone either. 

You feel so guilty and you feel like you are responsible for their misery. But you never are. Sometimes you can't help not liking the person that way. And many times I've had to friend zone someone because I'd rather have a friend than a boyfriend. I wouldn't want to lose that connection between myself and that boy.

It's hard stuff, but in the end I'd rather friend zone them than go through the motions and realize that we're not great for each other and end it so roughly. Sometimes it's just for the best.

But all in all, life goes on. When you are friend zoned pick yourself up and learn from it. Don't hold on to what could have been. Try and remember these reasons.

And when you friend zone, remember that they're people too. Be kind about it, and don't end the friendship because of one bump in the road.


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