
Showing posts from August, 2015


Have you ever had someone tell you something they had heard about you? Whether it's a rumor, or it's true, and you didn't like it? And it turns out the rumor is true? Has that ever upsetted you? If you answered yes to any of those then I'm here to tell you that that doesn't have to dictate who you are as a person. Sure, you've made some mistakes in the past, but that doesn't mean you can't change your future. Don't believe what they say. Don't just accept it as gospel and keep living like that just because people expect you to. Change the game. Mix it up a bit, and show them that's not you anymore. You need to take a step forward. You need to realize what you want to change about yourself, improve about yourself and take a step towards that goal. Ignore what others might say about you and continue to reach for the goal. People don't dictate who you are, YOU do. So step up to the plate. Throw them a fast ball and move on.

The Wall Flower Experiment

Wall Flowers. "What are these "wall flowers" you speak of, Hannah?" , you may ask me. Wall flowers are those people in the back round you never truly see or notice. They're the people that may be shy, or home schooled or maybe a little "weird" as your mind might categorize them. They're the people no one finds the need to talk to because, to us, they may seem too "uncool" for us. I'm writing this to tell you they're not. Wall flowers are not like that at all. Sure, we might be shy or home schooled, but that doesn't make us any less of a person, right? Just because we don't have a million friends surrounding us or are talking all the time, doesn't mean we aren't humans. Today I had the opportunity to go to a math class at my local high school and become the wallflower for the hour. I watched as one person went out of her way to talk to me, and I'm grateful for that. But I also had the opportunity to watc

A Travelers Guide To Life

Have you ever had that dream as a child to go somewhere exotic and exciting? Somewhere you've only read about in books or have seen on television and you've always wanted to visit? Welp, that was me this summer. London was (and still is) my dream place as a child. I've always wanted to experience the culture of London, England. And lucky for me- I got it. London is a beautiful place, it was where I got to really connect with my friends. The fairs, and accents all made it so real. But the thing that I learned the most from this trip around the world is that it isn't about where you go, but who you're with.  I enjoyed it quite a bit because I had my mother by my side, and a whole load of new friends to share the experiences with. I learned many new things through this trip. 1. Life isn't about rushing to get to the next step, it's about enjoying . You should never go into something with an attitude only to finish it and get it over with. When


Hey guys! I haven't updated in a few months, sorry! The next few posts will be very entertaining though, I can assure you that. :) It'll be full of travel stories, and advice on what to and NOT to do while traveling, as well as advice on reality and how to handle hard people. XD I HOPE YOU ENJOY!