
Have you ever had someone tell you something they had heard about you? Whether it's a rumor, or it's true, and you didn't like it? And it turns out the rumor is true?

Has that ever upsetted you?

If you answered yes to any of those then I'm here to tell you that that doesn't have to dictate who you are as a person. Sure, you've made some mistakes in the past, but that doesn't mean you can't change your future.

Don't believe what they say. Don't just accept it as gospel and keep living like that just because people expect you to. Change the game. Mix it up a bit, and show them that's not you anymore.

You need to take a step forward. You need to realize what you want to change about yourself, improve about yourself and take a step towards that goal. Ignore what others might say about you and continue to reach for the goal.

People don't dictate who you are, YOU do. So step up to the plate. Throw them a fast ball and move on. Surprise them. Show them you're better than what they expect.

Maybe start with asking a close friend of yours for some constructive criticism, and when they tell you these things don't take offense to it. Really try and look for the error in your ways, and build from there. That's the first step to a better future.

And who knows, you could gain something great from it all.


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