A Travelers Guide To Life

Have you ever had that dream as a child to go somewhere exotic and exciting?

Somewhere you've only read about in books or have seen on television and you've always wanted to visit? Welp, that was me this summer. London was (and still is) my dream place as a child. I've always wanted to experience the culture of London, England.

And lucky for me- I got it.

London is a beautiful place, it was where I got to really connect with my friends. The fairs, and accents all made it so real. But the thing that I learned the most from this trip around the world is that it isn't about where you go, but who you're with. 

I enjoyed it quite a bit because I had my mother by my side, and a whole load of new friends to share the experiences with. I learned many new things through this trip.

1. Life isn't about rushing to get to the next step, it's about enjoying. You should never go into something with an attitude only to finish it and get it over with. When you're living in the moment you learn to appreciate everyone around you even more.

2. Don't let everyone's thoughts on you mess up your experience. I made that mistake, and I've paid for it. I let everyone's opinions of me dictate how I would live my life, and it didn't end well. Luckily I have some amazing friends that reminded me that they don't matter.

3. Europe has some dang cool history. It's not only Europe, though, it's everywhere. We're living and making history everyday. We need to realize that. Everything around us is incredible, we just need to look for it. Look for the beauty, and you'll see it. Don't just take everything for granted, because one day this might not be available for us again. ENJOY IT!

Life is incredible, guys. It really is. But let's be honest, we have to open our eyes to all the possibilities. We have to be willing to let go of our phones and computers sometimes to really understand and see the beauty of the world. We need to Make it beautiful. We need to let go of our own world, to step out of our comfort zones, and LIVE.

So Live.


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