The Truth of Opinions

Hey Guys! I'm writing to you from Alaska, USA. It's a magical place here in the 49th State.

But you didn't click on this link to read about how much I love Alaska. You clicked because you are intrigued by the title (at least hopefully)!

So let's get to the point.

I am talented. I can turn literally anything someone says to me -- Positive or negative -- to something negative as if flipping a switch. It's very easy for me. LOTS OF PRACTICE.

And I feel as though a lot of people have developed that skill set these past few years, all because that is what society trains us to think.

We are never good enough.

We will never be as pretty or skinny as that girl over there.

*This* person doesn't like me.

But here's something I learned from a friend of mine here in AK:

Their opinions of you are none of your business. 

And HOW TRUE IS THAT??? Why should their opinion of you affect the way you live your life? Okay, I get that you should always take constructive criticism, well... Constructively!

But you should never take someones opinion of you being "Too happy" or "too nerdy" seriously!



When I was a Freshman a boy I liked told my friend at a party that he could never like me because I was too "Spazzy" for him. Granted, I was very spazzy, but that's not the point!

When I heard that I decided that night that I would try to be quiet and reserved -- everything I wasn't -- So I could be accepted and hopefully liked by this boy.

They almost immediately started asking me why I was shut down and I didn't tell them.


But I realized I didn't need to be just like them in order to be accepted by them. I didn't have to change to be loved.

We all have this "Perfect" image of ourselves, of who everyone wants us to be.

But we are all perfect the way we are. Just own it.

Own yourself.

Own your happiness.

Let the opinions of others be their own business. Let your opinion of yourself be everything.



Be You.


  1. Too true goofball true friends love you for who you are your husband married you for you are my daughter loves you as a sister because you are who you are change for the right reasons not the wrong ones we all love you because you are you remember that people come and go in your life true people stay for eternity xxx


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