
Showing posts from December, 2015

Think Before You Speak

Think before you speak (or act). I say this because I've had a recent experience about a stupid mistake a made and I did not even bother to think before I acted. When we do this we not only harm the other person, but we are also harming ourselves. We are showing them that we don't care about them, we are showing them that our thoughts are more important than theirs, which is NOT true. No person is more important than the other, we are all equal. And when we act/speak in a way that degrades the persons self-confidence or their self-image we are telling them that we are better than them and that we deserve a higher respect, but we Don't. My recent experience was awful on my part. I took my anger out on one of my most treasured friends, and I made them feel as if they did not matter because I did not get my way. Not only is that childish, it's also just plain rude. I had not thought through why I did that, and I had no reason to do so. The point of this article i

When I Raise My Children

I want to raise my children in the gospel. When I raise my children I want to be the kind of mother that they can go to in times of need, no matter what it may be. I want them to know that they can come to me with any problem and not have to worry about me yelling at them for it. I want to live my life virtuously so that they may realize what it looks like to live out the standards of the church. I want the walls of my home to be lined with book shelf after book shelf. I want them to realize that fairy tales are real and that we can create our own with the right ingredients. I want my children to not be afraid to be themselves around people. I want them to know that the only people who matter in life won't care, and the ones who do don't matter anyway.   I want to be the kind of mother that they can look to for life advice. I want to be the kind of mother that will be nonjudgmental of their situation because I've probably been in the same position. When I raise my chi

Remember Him

I usually like to keep my religion seperate from my writings, but today I cannot do that. The Lord has done so much for me everyday, and I feel like I need to recognize it more, so here goes it.  "For the Lord your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you." (Deuteronomy 20: 4)   I ran into this scripture this morning as I was looking for some kind of comfort in my trials, and this alone has helped me a lot. The Lord saves us each day. He sends angels to look after us, he inspires each of us to do little things like waving to a random person on the street, or smiling to an old friend you haven't talked to In years, and we do this without realizing the impact we may have on that person.  Heavenly Father helps us each day, he never faulters with this. Today I've realized that my Lord has been fighting next to me everyday of my life, and it brings a smile to my face just knowing that.  Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ has always be