Remember Him

I usually like to keep my religion seperate from my writings, but today I cannot do that. The Lord has done so much for me everyday, and I feel like I need to recognize it more, so here goes it. 

"For the Lord your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you." (Deuteronomy 20: 4)  

I ran into this scripture this morning as I was looking for some kind of comfort in my trials, and this alone has helped me a lot. The Lord saves us each day. He sends angels to look after us, he inspires each of us to do little things like waving to a random person on the street, or smiling to an old friend you haven't talked to In years, and we do this without realizing the impact we may have on that person. 

Heavenly Father helps us each day, he never faulters with this. Today I've realized that my Lord has been fighting next to me everyday of my life, and it brings a smile to my face just knowing that. 

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ has always been with us, they've always supported us, and all they want is to be recognized and welcomed into your life. All they want is to be apart of your experiences. 

The point of this post is not only to bare my love for my Father in Heaven, but to hopefully help you realize that he is always here for us, and that we need to show Him we love and appreciate that. 

My challenge for you this day is to thank him for that. Get on your knees and give a prayer of thanks to Him. It doesn't matter when you do it, just as long as you try, because that is what truly matters in His book. 

I love you all. And I'd like to end with my testimony of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints. I know it is the true church, and I know that He loves me and will always love me. I know that the little things I do matter, and I know that he gives me inspiration everyday for my writings. He helps me understand myself and he helps me feel wanted and loved. He sends me friends that help me through the worst of my trials, and he gives me opportunities like this to share my testimony. He is my Savior, and he is my salvation. I love him with all my heart, and I love this gospel with all my life. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 


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