When I Raise My Children

I want to raise my children in the gospel. When I raise my children I want to be the kind of mother that they can go to in times of need, no matter what it may be. I want them to know that they can come to me with any problem and not have to worry about me yelling at them for it. I want to live my life virtuously so that they may realize what it looks like to live out the standards of the church. I want the walls of my home to be lined with book shelf after book shelf. I want them to realize that fairy tales are real and that we can create our own with the right ingredients. I want my children to not be afraid to be themselves around people. I want them to know that the only people who matter in life won't care, and the ones who do don't matter anyway.

I want to be the kind of mother that they can look to for life advice. I want to be the kind of mother that will be nonjudgmental of their situation because I've probably been in the same position. When I raise my children I want them to see their father and I kissing in the kitchen, I want them to be grossed out and crinkle their little noses and stick their tongue out at us but secretly know that we love each other very much and for them to strive for something like that one day. I want them to dance in the rain, and learn to enjoy the little things in life. My children and I will be the best of friends. I want them to know that I love them very much. My children will know what it is like to be loved. My children will grow up knowing the Spirit, and I hope one day my children will love the gospel as much as I do.

One day, I will have all of this. And I can't wait for that day to come. 

So I kind of stole this idea from my friend, Dallin Ward, so if you'd like to read his blog about it (it's very insightful, actually), click Here. And if you'd like to learn more about the LDS church click Here. :)


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