
Showing posts from 2016

Just a Simple Post

Ayyy, Friends! I know it's been a long time since I last posted but I'm here now! So you're welcome. ;) I'm a little rusty with my freelance writing since all I've been writing recently are essays and research papers, so cut me some slack, alright? Who Are You? I'm not asking about what you like to do for fun, or what your favorite color is. I'm asking who YOU are. What makes you you? Who are you really? Are you a caregiver? Do you enjoy making other people happy? Are you one of those people that waves to strangers on the street? Or are you one of those people that is more reclusive, but knows when to offer his/her hand? What makes you YOU? Over the past three months I've really learned a lot about myself. I've learned that I'm an organized messy. I've learned that I don't like when people touch my stuff without asking. I've learned that I don't like to study in public areas where everyone is watching me. But th

My Hero

I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'till the end of the night He's gotta be strong, he's gotta be fast And he's gotta be larger than life, larger than life I hear so many girls say that they need their Knight in Shining Armor to come rescue them from this or that--from their daily life, essentially. And I have to admit that I used to say the same thing, at least until I realized I already have my hero, and he never leaves my side.  Christ is my Knight in Shining Armor. He sacrificed himself so that we could make it back to our Father in Heaven. He saved me in more ways than I could ever explain. He showed me what to look for in a future spouse. He showed me what to look forward to in the next life, if I only stay faithful to him.  He provided the best example of what to look for in a man.  Someone who is patient, like he was when he forgave continuously those who betrayed him. Someone who is service-oriented, like when he went out of

What is Time?

What is time? Does it really matter? Time is something that we created ourselves. It is the numbers on a clock that ticks ever so slowly each second, hour, day. It is the time the sun rises and the time the sun sets. But that is it. Time has confined our use of our experiences. Our life. It has kept us from accomplishing our dreams and goals. It is the excuse we make when we feel like something is too hard. It is the excuse we use to keep us in our little bubble of protection. The range of excuse is up to us. "Oh I'm too old for that." Or, "I'm too young for that." True, there are things that we should not be doing as toddlers, but honestly we could accomplish so much more if we just allowed ourselves to reach outside of the concept of time. I am not too old to play in a giant pile of leaves. You are not too young to travel around the world, you're not too old either. It's all in the frame of mind. Don't get me wrong though, t

Suicide: Is It REALLY the Answer?

Depression: Feelings of severe despondency and dejection. That term alone means almost nothing to you until you're the one experiencing it. Depression. That is the dictionary definition of the term, but what does it really mean? What does it feel like? "350 million people of all ages suffer from depression." "At its worst, depression can lead to suicide." (World Health Organization, April 2016, Depression is not just a term used for sad people. It is not a term to be romanticized. Depression isn't only wishing for the boy you've been crushing on for years to love you back. It's not that simple. Depression is a real disorder, and it's much more serious than you could ever imagine. I know this because I have experienced it. And I have felt the affects it has on my life, and the lives around me. I am a survivor of depression, and suicide. My Story: These past four years I have not been

The Bucket List Challenge

The Bucket List Challenge. Need I say more? Today I've decided to publicize my bucket list. It may grow throughout the years, so bear with me. Now the challenge is this, not only will I publicize it, I will also share my experience with said goal as soon as I accomplish it. BUT I need your guys help as well. If you have already accomplished this activity, please share your experience in the comments. Whether it's good or bad. I'd LOVE to hear what you have done yourself, and how you viewed it. Also, Please share your bucket list as well. I LOVE new ideas on what to do with my life.  Here goes it: Hannah's Bucket List: -Attend a Masquerade party -Go to a Broadway show -Sleep on a mattress you pull out from the wall -Go Skydiving -Star in a play, whether big or small -Live in Ireland for a week -Meet someone Famous -Live in Greece -Have a guy use a pickup line on me -Go on an LDS mission -Write a book -Visit an abandoned hospital -Go through a

College: The Next Step

College. Where many of the biggest decisions are made. College is full of opportunities, chances to take on the world and change it. I, for one, am going to take these chances. I am going to march right up to this next step in my life, and I'm going to jump in head first. I'm going to learn how to control take control of my life, and I'm going to make the best of it. I'm going to make decisions that I've never dreamed of making, and I'm going to pursue the smallest of possibilities. I am going to learn how to deal with this new world, and I'm going to make a difference in it. I am going to make my mark. I'm not going to let people push me around any longer. I'm going to take charge, and I'm going to change someone's life. In my life up until this point I have learn what I deserve and what I don't deserve. I know what I deserve now, and I am going to make sure I get what I want. I am not trying to brag or anything of the sort, I

You Are The Protagonist

Today I was surfing Facebook when I found this post that has really inspired me. It says,  "Never forget you are the protagonist of your own story, and antagonist is someone elses. And a possible love interest in other peoples. You are also a supporting character in a lot of people's stories. You might even be the kind stranger who unintentionally turns someone's life around for the better." I love this so much. WE are in control of our life. We can change what ever we want. No one is in charge of our story, we are in control. But also remember that we can also change someones life for the better. Or worse. It's your choice. We are our own person, and we matter. Our very life could change someone's life. Our choices could affect the next person. How are we going to take that? Are we going to help someone out of their depression? Or are we going to be the cause of it? Every life matters. Every choice matters. YOU choose who YOU want to be. You decid

Policemen: Heros or Villains?

Over the past year we have heard case after case of how the police are mistreating people according to race or even just to do it. But are they all true? Not every policeman is an awful corrupt person like the media has made them out to be. Are policemen the heroes or the villains? We know that doing the right thing can be hard, especially when everyone is already against you. Police have had it pretty hard lately, and more and more often we are not being being honest with ourselves. We are blaming them for things that they had to do. We are being unkind to them for something they had to do. Often times the media only states the negative things that happen in the world,  and neglect the telling of good news. We don't get to hear the good things that cops do for us enough. Police are good people who make hard decisions and we don't give them enough credit for it. To me, the police force is the heroes of today's world. They are what keeps us, the people, in order. They

The Untold Story

A short twist on a very well known story. Enjoy! April 22, 1959 "Auntie Merryweather!" I yelled from my upstairs bedroom. "I need help with my sewing." As I waited for a response I began to think about my family again. I often do that, you know, think about my family, and why they decided to abandon me at such a young age. I mean what kind of parents give a child to their sisters, knowing they were more than capable of taking care of me? Seriously. "I just don't understand the..." And yada yada yada. You don't need to know these details of today. The point is my aunts are crazy plump old ladies that only know how to sew with the swish of their wands, they never married and for some weird reason, still live together. And not to mention they are a bit psycho about me wandering around in the forest. Other than my aunts being crazy, that's all that happened today. April 25, 1959 Today I had decided to take a stroll in the meadows to get a