Just Don't Forget Why

Hello Again! It's been a while.

I have been thinking a lot lately (I know, crazy, eh?), and Heavenly Father keeps telling me I need to write again. So here I am. Writing.

I recently returned from a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and I just want to record a few simple thoughts I've had since being home.

Life is not a Race
Since being home I've heard countless people ask me, so what are you doing now? What are your plans now that you're not a missionary anymore? Sometimes it's fine. Sometimes I want to throw a table at a wall. Quite extreme, I agree, but it's true. I honestly don't know what I want to do with my life right now. 

So I'm here to say, IT'S OKAY NOT TO KNOW

You don't need to know everything right now. Life is not a race. Though it may seem like it, it really isn't. You are only racing against yourself. Take time to figure yourself out. Don't feel like you need to have the best career right now. It's okay to work at McDonalds. It's okay to have two or three jobs to keep up your payments.

Don't rush things.

Savor the Moment.

The Relationship Status
Another thing I've noticed is that everyone expects the return missionary to marry soon after they're home. I mean, REALLY?! Come on, people. Being in a relationship does not solve every issue. So I want to talk about that a bit.

You do not need a man/woman to define you as a person. You do not need to be in a relationship to be important and loved. Take your time in finding your future spouse. Date a lot. Get to know lots of new people.

And one of the most important things: DON'T SETTLE! You will find the man/woman of your dreams. That doesn't mean you should shove anyone aside because they have a flaw, because marriage is about working with that and strengthening each other, but don't ignore the red flags, either.

To go back to the main point: You are amazing. You are not a terrible person because you are not in a relationship yet. Take your time.

Enjoy the small moments.

Love yourself.

Enjoy the Small Moments
Lastly, the world is a great place. Although it is hard to see sometimes, it really is. It's so beautiful. Look for the beauty. Open your eyes. Enjoy the moments when your friend cracks a joke and for just a moment watch as all your friends laugh. 

Enjoy the moments when you are surrounded by nature and all you hear is the wind in the trees and the birds in the air. 

Enjoy the moments when a little child draws you a picture of you, and even though it looks like some scribbles, you see how proud they are to give it to you. Enjoy that moment. 

We go through life thinking we need to be perfect at everything. Thinking we need to have the newest things on the store shelves. Thinking we need to get better grades than the person next to us. 

But we don't. 

Society tells us we need to be on the move all the time, but we don't need to listen to that. What do YOU want to do with your life? What do YOU feel like you should do at this moment? 

Remember to take in the beauty of the Earth.

Remember where you came from. 

Because I remember where you came from. 


  1. Very inciteful for a young one I agree with you totally with all the pressures on people nowadays with social media and expectations about what you should be doing instead of what you are inspired to do are 2 different things enjoy your life live your life make mistakes learn live and love go out your comfort zone and remember he loves you for you are not for what people expect you to be love you sassy one loving the blog xxx

  2. Yes! I agree very insightful! People do forget to enjoy the small moments in their lives and it can become a rat race. If you have any advice on holding to those moments though, let me know. Sometimes really happy moments...like having Sister Missionaries on my couch can be fleeting, and one is left very sad! There are some moments in life, that I would like to hold on to longer.


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