I Am Me: A Letter To My Haters

[Disclaimer: I am not throwing myself a pity party, so please do not treat this as such.]

A Letter To Those Who Don't Like Me:

I do not know everything. I simply don't. I know you expect so much of me. To be smarter, to have a little more common sense, to understand all social cues. I also know you expect me to be prettier, to laugh less, to talk less. I know you don't like how I treat people. I know you don't like my smile. And I know you don't like that I have any friends at all-- especially if they may be your friends as well. I know that you may think I'm too short.  I'm dramatic. I'm too goofy. And that I'm annoying as heck. I know that my simple existence bothers you. I know that everything and anything I try to do to make it better will never help.

And I know that I will never please you, and that kills me.

But if I'm to be real for a minute, I shouldn't care. I am training myself to try to understand why you don't like me so that I can become a better me. So I can snap out of my old habits, and improve myself. So my message is this: Thank you. Thank you for calling me stupid, and for laughing at my face. Thank you for calling me ugly names and for showing me that I need to calm down with my attitude. Thank you for treating me like crap so that I may know how to better treat others. Thank you for bullying me about my past. I have learned so much from you guys.

I have learned that I never want to treat people the way you did to me. I have learned to treat everyone as if they're royalty. I have learned that my attitude towards them matters.

I have learned that yeah, I may not be as smart as others, and that's okay just as long as I try my very best to succeed. I want you to know that because I'm not as smart I try my hardest to become smarter. I study at my own pace, and that is perfectly fine.

I have learned that I'm okay with being goofy. In fact, I'm proud of my weird expressions. I am proud to be myself in public. I love my weird style of clothing, and my crazy faces, and weird laughs. I don't care what you think about my weirdness, because that's me. I am weird. I am me.

I'm proud of being me. I don't care what you think anymore because I have faced the fact that there will always be people who don't like me. I will always have one or more people who can't stand me, and I'm okay with that, because I know that I have one or two friends that will always be there for me and that LOVE ME for ME!

So thank you. Thank you for stating your opinion of me because it has made me a better person. 


A Girl Who Only Wants To Improve


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