
Showing posts from September, 2015

Exceed Expectations

So this has been on my mind a bit lately. What people think of me. Of us. Of who they think we are. I feel like the human race depends too much on what people think of us, the negative part of us. They let people dictate who we are by believing something they say about us. I've had this happen way too often. I've had people tell me something they don't like about me, they give me their opinion on what they thought about something that I did, and I believe it. I believe that my choice that I made is who I am. This  might be a bit confusing, so I'll give you an example. Say I got a low score on my math test, and I told my friend and he/she told me I'm not very smart and I begin to believe it. But that's the thing. It isn't like that. It doesn't have to be like that. We aren't who people think we are. We can work harder to get that higher score. Or learn from that mistake. But we shouldn't let what people think we do affect us. We shouldn'

A Travelers Guide To Life- Part II

So I had a few requests to do another guide to life through my travels, so here goes. [No Judging!] So I've traveled quite a bit in my life, but mostly in the States. Well... Until this summer. My family loves to travel and go on adventures to new places and visit crazy cool historical sites, so I've had quite a bit of experience out of my small town. In the previous article I gave you three tips to help you enjoy your time wherever you are, and I've decided to add a few more to that wonderful list. Ready? 4. Don't get so involved in your cell phone or things back home that it stops you from enjoying what's right in front of you. I've made this mistake many times before, and I've regretted it many times over. But this summer I had to leave my phone behind and it was the best thing I've ever done. Because of that I was able to experience everything around me, I didn't have to worry about who I was talking to at the time or if someone posted ne

The Beauty Of Being Yourself

Being yourself. Sounds hard, right? Well here's some good news. It's one of the easiest things ever! It's not hard at all. But here's what IS hard. Forgetting society's definition of beauty and perfection. I know this is may seem hard right now, but it gets easier, I promise. When you're not trying to be this perfect person you are actually letting your true colors show. So society's definition of perfection is having a perfect body, and a kind and girly personality, right? But that's just it. You don't have to fit into that category. Be YOU. Don't act dumb to get a guys attention. Don't stop eating because you want a smaller body. Don't feel like you need to laugh at everything, or wear certain clothing items to feel like you fit in. And please, I repeat, PLEASE do not feel like you need to hide your true colors in order to fit into society's small box of perfection. To me, True perfection is in being yourself. It's ab

The Chase

[So this my first Vignette I've officially written, so don't judge me too harshly. Enjoy!] The Chase Peering around the corner I saw nothing. That alone was something to worry about. There's almost ALWAYS someone out there. Taking a deep breath, I made my decision. I'd go out there and look. I know this would be dangerous, but I also know that if I don't risk myself than someone else will get out, and I don't think I could live with myself if I knew that my friends would get hurt because of something I didn't do. Looking around the corner one more time to make sure it was clear, I did a dive roll with my gun held against my chest, and just barely missing the shot fired at me as I scrambled to the other side. I took a another minute to catch my breath before diving out again, across the hall and into a doorway in which more shots were fired, and this time I was just barely out of range. I took my compact mirror out of my purse and used it to s

My 20 Seconds Of Courage

So we've all seen We Bought A Zoo, right? I haven't seen it in so long, but I remember a scene in the movie when it talks about 20 seconds of insane courage and I want to talk about that for a minute. Now, you don't have to finish reading this if you don't feel like this applies to you or even if you already feel bored by this but I figured I'd share this with those who do care. :) So 20 seconds of insane courage. 20 seconds of complete and utter embarrassment. Those twenty seconds can really be important though. So I'm going to share a fairly recent experience that had to do with these 20 seconds of embarrassment, please bare with me. In the movie it states that something great will come of it, but let's be real. I have no idea if that is true. And I've never really been great with sharing my feelings with someone, so this was pretty hard to do, but I'll share with you anyways.  So this was pretty recent, in the past few days, in fact. I had deci

Broken Pieces

I'm going to be honest for a bit, alright? So here goes. Love.  Whether it's true love or just a crush it doesn't matter. Love is powerful. This post is for all those who are currently going through withdrawals from a broken relationship, or simply just trying to get over a long time crush.  Love is a hard thing. Break ups are hard. Especially when it was one of those relationships of pure bliss. Where everything seemed perfect and wonderful and then it just... Ended. Cut off. Completely cold turkey. And you're not sure what to do. You kind of just sit there. Trying to understand what went wrong and how you can fix it.  The worst type of breakup, though, is when you both know you still have feelings for each other but one reason or another comes up to keep you two apart. Whether it's a busy schedule, or distance, something always comes up and it kills you inside. I know it kills me. Especially when you realize if he did truly like you he would make more