The Beauty Of Being Yourself

Being yourself.

Sounds hard, right? Well here's some good news. It's one of the easiest things ever! It's not hard at all. But here's what IS hard. Forgetting society's definition of beauty and perfection.

I know this is may seem hard right now, but it gets easier, I promise. When you're not trying to be this perfect person you are actually letting your true colors show. So society's definition of perfection is having a perfect body, and a kind and girly personality, right? But that's just it. You don't have to fit into that category.


Don't act dumb to get a guys attention. Don't stop eating because you want a smaller body. Don't feel like you need to laugh at everything, or wear certain clothing items to feel like you fit in. And please, I repeat, PLEASE do not feel like you need to hide your true colors in order to fit into society's small box of perfection.

To me, True perfection is in being yourself. It's about knowing who you are, and showing it with no fear. It's about letting you be... well, YOU. I want to show you some really respectable women in my life that I've noticed aren't afraid to be themselves.

This is Raelynn Sampson. She is one of my best friends. One of my favorite things about her is that she isn't afraid to be herself. She's crazy, hilarious, and completely out there, but that's what everyone LOVES about her. She isn't afraid to show her true colors, and it's one of my favorite things about her. She has this feeling of comfort about her. Like I can be as crazy as I can be and she'll still accept me. :)

Next is Olivia Jensen. She is my best friend of all time. The thing I most admire about her is how crazy smart she is, and she's not afraid to show it. She is not only the best person I know, but the best example of living free. She doesn't care what people think about her, and I love that about her. She is caring, and amazing, and always knows when to show those feelings for someone.

Last but DEFINITELY not least is Esther Chandler. This beautiful girl is amazing. She is (also) one of my best friends. As I have listed with the women before, her most admirable quality is how she isn't afraid to show her personality through her appearance. She is not afraid to wear the cutest clothing out there, but that won't stop her from wearing the goofiest things too. She can make anyone laugh, and has the ability to change someone's day through her smile.

These three women are incredible. To me, they're examples of how to be yourself no matter what. They don't care what society's views of perfection is. They defy what beauty is in their own ways. They are their own definition of beauty. They are themselves, and that's what makes them so beautiful.

I find being yourself beautiful because you don't need to care about what others are thinking. You don't listen to them because you know you are being you. When you act like the true you you are showing people that it doesn't matter what everyone says. You are testifying of your true beauty. Don't let people dictate who you are, because when you let go of them you feel free. You feel like you can do anything. And you can.

That is the most beautiful thing.

So my challenge to you is this: if you were feeling the way I stated earlier in this article, that you just aren't good enough, then step out of the box. Step out of society's perfect box, and into your own skin.

Show everyone who you really are. Show everyone you are you, and that's beautiful.

For those who are already doing this, keep it up. As you can already tell you attract only those who do the same. Be and stay that example.

Stand tall.

Be yourself.

[Disclaimer: if being you does fit in that box of perfection then props to you! Don't change that!]


  1. Dearest Hannah, you are absolutely beautiful. This post made my day. I left you a huge avalanche of messages about its goodness and your goodness. I love you.

  2. Hannah, that was wonderful! So many people have a false idea of who they are because the world has told them that who they are is not good enough or "weird". Being yourself is the gateway to immeasurable amounts of happiness. I love your blog. It is so uplifting, happy, encouraging and inspirational. You are awesome Hannah!!


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