Broken Pieces

I'm going to be honest for a bit, alright? So here goes.

Love. Whether it's true love or just a crush it doesn't matter. Love is powerful. This post is for all those who are currently going through withdrawals from a broken relationship, or simply just trying to get over a long time crush. 

Love is a hard thing. Break ups are hard. Especially when it was one of those relationships of pure bliss. Where everything seemed perfect and wonderful and then it just... Ended. Cut off. Completely cold turkey. And you're not sure what to do. You kind of just sit there. Trying to understand what went wrong and how you can fix it. 

The worst type of breakup, though, is when you both know you still have feelings for each other but one reason or another comes up to keep you two apart. Whether it's a busy schedule, or distance, something always comes up and it kills you inside. I know it kills me. Especially when you realize if he did truly like you he would make more of an effort. He would try to talk to you. Try to see you. But... He doesn't. He just stops. And you have no idea why. 

But here's the good part about this. You don't have to dwell on him. I mean he's obviously not hurting for you, right? You don't need him anymore. It's hard, I know. But I also know that if you can love someone that much who may not return the feelings think about if you found someone who did. Think about the times you two could have together. 

My advice to you: Don't dwell on what could have been. Dwell on the soon to be. The harder time you go through the more attractive the person could be. ;) 


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