My 20 Seconds Of Courage

So we've all seen We Bought A Zoo, right? I haven't seen it in so long, but I remember a scene in the movie when it talks about 20 seconds of insane courage and I want to talk about that for a minute. Now, you don't have to finish reading this if you don't feel like this applies to you or even if you already feel bored by this but I figured I'd share this with those who do care. :)

So 20 seconds of insane courage. 20 seconds of complete and utter embarrassment. Those twenty seconds can really be important though. So I'm going to share a fairly recent experience that had to do with these 20 seconds of embarrassment, please bare with me.

In the movie it states that something great will come of it, but let's be real. I have no idea if that is true. And I've never really been great with sharing my feelings with someone, so this was pretty hard to do, but I'll share with you anyways. 

So this was pretty recent, in the past few days, in fact. I had decided to tell my crush that I found interest in him, right? I don't ever do that. Usually I let him figure it out, but not this time. I chose to take the first step. I used my 20 seconds of insane, embarrassing courage and tell him very bluntly that I liked him, but that I wasn't afraid of rejection as well, just so he knew I'd be fine if he didn't feel the same. 

Anyways, it was rough. I didn't get a straight answer out of him for a day, and I tortured myself with possible scenarios of what he could be thinking. But after a while of this I decided I would just let the world handle this. If I was meant to move on, I would. 

That night he told me. Now, he's a long time friend of mine, we've been pretty close in the past and have recently started talking again, But back to the story. His response told me he found our friendship more important and that our feelings weren't on the same level. He was very kind about it, and very sensitive about it, so it helped. 

But the moral of this story telling isn't that I got rejected by a guy after putting my heart out there. No. 

The moral is that when we use that 20 seconds of insanity something good always comes of it. I found out that he and I are closer than before (not sure if he feels that way but whatevs). I feel like I benefited in a different way than I originally thought, and it's wonderful. I learned something new and I think I value that lesson more than the consequence of it. 

My advice: Use that 20 seconds of courage. Something good will always come of it. 

Now... Here's a picture of something that is completely unrelated to the article but something I find pretty. :) 


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